Detroit Law Firm Levine Benjamin

Should I Hire a Disabliity Attorney for an Initial Application?

Should I Hire a Disability Attorney for an Initial Application in Detroit?

You’ve probably found this website because you’re too sick or injured to work. You know you need monthly income from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to pay for your basic needs—and hold on to your independence.

You might have heard that most Americans who apply for benefits are denied on their first attempt, and must file an appeal.

Working with a disability attorney takes away a lot of the stress of applying. And at important steps in the process—especially when you need to see a Social Security judge to explain why you need benefits—having an attorney increases your chances of being awarded benefits.

But many attorneys won’t help you with your initial application. They tell you to apply on your own and come back to them after you’re denied.

That’s not how we work at Levine Benjamin Law Firm.

We believe in helping you from the very beginning of your claim, all the way through.

That’s why we say, “From applying to appealing, we help you every step of the way.”

What would you like to do?

Why Get an Attorney for Your Initial Application?

When you’re applying for Social Security disability benefits, you face a complicated application. Social Security has its own separate legal system just for deciding who gets benefits.

Here’s why you want to work with an attorney from the very start:

  • Your attorney takes the work and stress off your shoulders.
  • Your attorney sets a strategy for your case.
  • Your attorney helps you avoid errors in your application that could hurt your chances of winning benefits later.
  • Your attorney contacts your doctors and gathers the medical records you need.
  • Your attorney organizes and presents your work history.
  • Your attorney makes sure you meet all the required deadlines.
  • Your attorney gets to know you and your case, so they’re ready to start an appeal right away if you’re denied.

At Levine Benjamin, we know you’re already going through a difficult time in your life. We make this process as easy as possible. We’ll even file your application for you.


How to Get an Attorney for Your Initial Application

When a medical crisis leads to a financial crisis, you might be worried how you’ll afford an attorney. Getting an attorney sounds expensive.

But the fact is: You pay no attorney fee until you win.

Your attorney only gets paid out of back benefits you’re awarded to cover the time you were waiting on your claim.

And even then, your attorney is limited to charging 25% of your back benefits, or $6,000, whichever is less.

So by contacting Levine Benjamin, you can find an attorney who will help with your initial application at no up-front cost to you. You also can get started with a FREE case evaluation.

We pride ourselves on helping families coping with health and financial worries in Toledo, Traverse City and across Michigan and Ohio.

Our firm has helped 80,000 people win benefits since 1964.

Unlike other disability attorneys, we won’t turn you away to avoid the work of your initial application.

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