How to Get Social Security Disability Benefits for a Family Member in Michigan and Ohio

Do You Want to Help Your Loved One?

Your family member is suffering from a severe health condition. It’s gotten so bad that they can’t work anymore. Perhaps they’ve been out of work for a few months or over a year at this point.

You know dealing with health problems is tough enough, but when you also aren’t able to pay your bills, life becomes painfully stressful. You want to help your loved one get Social Security Disability benefits, so you can ease the financial strain on your family and alleviate your family member’s worries.

The only issue is that getting approved for Social Security Disability is extremely difficult. Many people are too overwhelmed by the paperwork and intimidated by the process to stick with it. Many are denied the first time they apply and don’t have the energy to go through the appeals process.

By finding an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer, you can help someone with health impairments get the benefits they need to have peace of mind during this trying time.

If you’re in Detroit, Flint, Lansing, Grand Rapids, anywhere in Michigan, or in Toledo or elsewhere in Ohio, call Levine Benjamin Law Firm to get the kind of support that can make a difference for your family. We’ve helped thousands of people win benefits.

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Helping Someone in Your Family Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits

In order for your family member to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, they need to prove that:

  • Their condition has caused them to stop working.
  • They can’t go into another line of work.
  • They cannot work for at least one year

Their condition can be included in Social Security’s official listing of impairments. A number of conditions are included, ranging from respiratory disorders to digestive system issues and mental disorders to cardiovascular system problems.

But the key to qualifying for benefits is that your loved one’s symptoms must rule out working, regardless of what diagnosis they have, or whether it’s officially listed by Social Security.

When applying, you can’t just write down that your family member has a medical condition and can’t work. Instead, you need to provide proof of the debilitating nature of the condition. The proof varies depending on the illness, but you may have to supply documents like:

  • Results from medical tests
  • Prescription records
  • Treatment plan documents
  • Medical images
  • Statements from friends, co-workers and family members who are familiar with their condition

Part of your job as someone caring for a family member could be making sure they get to the medical appointments that produce the kinds of evidence they need for their claim and helping them organize their records and disability benefits forms.

All of this may sound confusing. Don’t fret, because Levine Benjamin disability attorneys can answer any and all questions you have.

We’ll give you a free initial case evaluation.


Helping Your Family Member Appeal a Social Security Disability Denial

Let’s say you already applied for Social Security Disability for your family member, but they received a denial notice. This is common. Almost 80 percent of initial applications were denied in a recent 10-year period, according to Social Security.

Levine Benjamin can help you with appeal the denial. Our disability lawyers have decades of experience with appeals. We’ll assist you when it comes to:

  • Filing your appeal
  • Collecting additional medical records and evidence
  • Preparing to talk to a Social Security Disability administrative law judge in a hearing

If you need to appeal in Michigan or Ohio, reach out to us now.

No matter what stage of the process you’re in, we can help you get financial relief for your family member who’s struggling with medical and money problems.

We know you want to help them live the best life possible. So do we.

Our disability attorneys know what it’s like to have serious illnesses in their own families.

Let us handle the hard parts of securing disability benefits, and get your family member in a better situation.

You don’t pay any attorney fee until you win benefits.

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