How to File Form HA-4633 in Detroit

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When you’re dealing with bad health and can’t work, Social Security disability income could be a financial lifeline for you. The trouble is, most people who apply get denied.

If this happened to you, don’t give up. You have the right to appeal.

And one of the steps of any disability appeal is completing Form HA-4633. This form is called “Claimant’s Work Background.”

Once you receive a notice of denial, don’t wait to appeal. You face a 60-day deadline to start your appeal.

If you wait too long, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may reject any forms you send. You’ll be forced to file a new application and start the process over.

Before you spend a lot of time on Form HA-4633 or any other SSA forms, call a lawyer. At Levine Benjamin Law Firm, we’ll fill out the forms for you.


Recent Work History

Social Security Disability by Levine Bejamin on Scribd

How to File Form HA-4633 in Detroit: Updating your employment history.

Use Form HA-4633 to explain your work history when you’re appealing a Social Security Disability denial.

What Information Do I Need to Complete Form HA-4633?

Form HA-4633 asks you to list your employment history, including:

  • Approximate dates of employment
  • The names and locations of your employers
  • Duties you performed

In most appeals, you’ll need to provide work history for the 15 years prior to the onset of your disability.

Why Is Form HA-4633 Important?

In any disability case, it’s important you fill out all the forms as honestly and as thoroughly as possible.

The SSA wants to determine if you could adjust to other types of work. For example, if you were a factory worker, they want to find out if you’re able to perform another job—say, as a security guard.

To win your disability case, you must prove your medical conditions are so severe that you can’t work your old job—or any job.

Form HA-4633 is another necessary part of a clear picture you’ll present about why you need disability benefits.

When your case goes to a hearing with a Social Security administrative law judge, the judge will consider this form and others covering your medical history as he or she makes a decision.

How to File Form HA-4633 in Detroit: Get help from an experienced disability attorney.

An experienced attorney can help with Form HA-4633 when you need to appeal a Social Security Disability denial.

Should I Get a Disability Lawyer to Help Me with Form HA-4633?

If your disability claim was denied, we strongly recommend contacting a disability attorney.

Social Security has an entire separate legal system for disability claims. It’s complex. Working with someone who knows this system can make a difference for you.

Social Security’s own statistics have shown you have a better chance of winning benefits with a professional representative.

At Levine Benjamin Law Firm, one of our experienced disability attorneys can help you with all the forms necessary to start your appeal.

We also help you gather your medical evidence, prepare to testify when you have a hearing coming up with a judge and present a clear case to the judge.

Dealing with serious medical problems that prevent you from working is difficult enough. A lawyer can help you keep track of your medical evidence and paperwork so you don’t have to worry about it.

If you were denied and want to appeal your disability claim, don’t wait to call us. The sooner you get us involved, the faster we can get to work on your case.

We’ll evaluate your situation for FREE.

From applying to appealing, we help you every step of the way.

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