How to File Form SSA-3368 in Detroit
When you’re applying for Social Security disability benefits, get ready to fill out forms.
Before you spend a lot of time filling out forms yourself, however, call a Levine Benjamin Law Firm attorney. We’ll do it for you.
One of the first forms you’ll encounter is the Disability Report for adults: Form SSA-3368.
Disability Report – Adult
Social Security Disability by Levine Bejamin on Scribd
When you File Form SSA-3368, you provide details of your medical condition.
What Information Do I Need to Complete Form SSA-3368?
When you fill out your adult disability report, you’ll need to describe the health conditions that make it impossible for you to work—the ones you believe will qualify you for benefits.
Your disability can be physical, mental or a combination of each.
You’ll need to provide details on your symptoms and your medical history.
This includes information on the date when your condition began, any medical treatment you’ve received and all the doctors you’ve seen and medical facilities where you’ve gone for treatment.
One of the most important sections asks how your disability prevents you from working and why you can’t perform your past jobs or any other type of job.
Find the form you need:
How Do I File Form SSA-3368?
Once you complete Form SSA-3368, you need to file it with the Social Security Administration to start your application for Social Security disability or SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits.
You can file it online. If you do that, you can collect your medical evidence and fill out the form whenever you’re ready.
If you opt to apply in person, you can fill out the adult disability report during your interview with a Social Security claims representative.
Applying at your local Social Security office is a better option if you think you’ll have questions about things you don’t understand on Form SSA-3368.
Or better yet, get a lawyer to take care of the form for you.
Filing Form SSA-3368 begins your Social Security disability claim.
What Happens Once I’ve Filed Form SSA-3368?
This report is the starting point for your entire Social Security disability claim.
Once you’ve completed it, a Social Security claims representative will forward it to an office called Disability Determination Services (DDS). DDS is the state government agency that makes the initial decision on your disability case for the national Social Security Administration.
At DDS, your case is assigned to a disability claims examiner who evaluates your disability claim.
It’s important that you provide as much information as possible in your application so the examiner has a clear picture of what’s going on.
Make sure all of your information is correct, especially things like contact information for your doctors and medical treatment facilities.
Double checking the information from the very beginning helps your claim move through the system more quickly. If you forget things, put down wrong information or leave things blank, your disability income can be delayed for months.
Levine Benjamin attorneys can walk you through the process of filing Form SSA-3368 for Social Security disability benefits.
Can an Attorney Help Me Fill Out Form SSA-3368?
Some disability attorneys don’t help you apply—they step in when you’re denied and need to appeal. But at Levine Benjamin Law Firm, we do help with filing initial applications.
Our experienced disability attorneys are familiar with this form and can guide you through it. We’ll ensure you’re providing a clear picture for the examiner, to give you the best chance of having your application approved.
We’ve helped more than 80,000 people win disability benefits since 1964.
From applying to appealing, we help you every step of the way.